Monday, June 9, 2014

Brotherly Love

As a mother of 2 boys, I love watching their relationship.  I don't have a same gender sibling, and I have always wondered what that feels like - to have a bond with someone like no other bond. It has got to be the strongest one out there, other than a mother for her child. 

This week I read about a pair of brothers in Michigan and then just tonight, saw it on the evening news. It made world headlines. 

14 year old, Hunter Gandee carried his 7 year old brother, Braden who was born with Cerebral Palsy, (CP), 40 miles on his back from their home town to U of M on a walk they dubbed, "Cerebral Palsy Swagger". Their walk was to raise awareness for CP and hoping to prompt research to help children with this debilitating disease. They gathered many fans along the way, including kids who made signs and people who wondered how can they help and where can they donate. it was more than the boys every thought would happen on their journey. 

Their mom must be so proud! I know I would be. 

For more information, or to donate, contact


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